
Jorge Maia

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Jorge Maia is a versatile and creative photographer from picturesque Lisbon, Portugal, dedicated to the art of landscape, travel and fine art photography. His roots in a city known for its beauty and cultural diversity have shaped his passion for capturing the world around him.

Although his love of nature is deeply rooted, Jorge is not a photographer constrained by fixed ideas. He is fascinated by everything that catches his eye, whether it be the majesty of the mountains or the hidden corners of an urban environment.

But there is a clear intention behind each of his images: Jorge wants to capture the beauty, uniqueness and wonder of this world. His photographs are not just snapshots, but small windows into the past, allowing the viewer to relive the emotions and experiences of that exact place and time.

For Jorge, art is more than self-expression, it is a means to evoke a reaction in the viewer, be it a memory, a feeling or a new perspective on the world. His paintings are like stories waiting to be told, inviting you to immerse yourself in the scene and share the feeling of the moment.

Contrary to the popular belief that photography is just a matter of equipment and rules, Jorge is convinced that it is a combination of passion, dedication, constant learning and patience. For him, photography is a continuous process of discovery and development that never ends.

[ Text 10Photos ]

10Photos says: Jorge's images are a tribute to the beauty of the world and an invitation to look at it with open eyes. Through his lens he shows us that the earth, with its landscapes, but also with what man has created, is full of wonders just waiting to be discovered. We are struck by the variety and richness of detail, the colours and shapes, and the overall harmony of his work. This is landscape and travel photography at its best!

More pictures and information about Jorge Maia can be found on his website www.jorgemaiaphotographer.com and the following social media platforms: Instagram, Facebook, Pinterest, Twitter and Linkedin.
